How to submit content

It’s vital that all writers learn how to submit content to the site. Because we deal with many submissions every day, following our system accurately means that your content will get more visibility and be approved by our editors faster, which will lead to more sales.

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Tips on writing your content

Here’s some advice that many of our writers use to create saleable, appealing and worthwhile content.

Finding out what to write about:

  • Take a look at the “writing ideas” section to understand what customers are looking for including:
    • Catalog sales – What’s sold recently from the content catalog
    • Categories – A list of articles available by category
    • Search topics – What people are searching for on Constant Content
  • Review the “requested content” area and see if there are any custom requests you could write for

Tools to use when writing

  • Don’t write your article directly on the Constant Content site
  • Use a program like MS Word, Wordpad, Notepad or something similar
  • Alternatively, use Google Docs to write your article
  • Organize your articles so it’s easy to find and submit them
  • Take regular backups of your work

Once you’re happy with your content, you can submit it to us for review.

How to complete the submission form

All articles must be submitted to us using the “submission form”. You can get to this by clicking “submit content” in the top navigation bar.

Here’s how to fill in each of the fields.

  1. Title – Enter your title as it appears in your document. Either use the auto-capitalize function or capitalize the title yourself
  2. Category – Choose a category that your article fits into from the dropdown menu; please be as precise as you can with the category that you choose
  3. Requests – If your article is for a request please tick off that this is the case and select the request that this article is for.  This will ensure the requesting customer is informed as soon as the article is approved.

  1. Pricing – Most writers choose to price their document by word count; you can get an idea of benchmark rates here. You can adjust your prices even after your article is accepted by visiting the My Content page and clicking Edit. Remember that you will receive 55% of the amount here when your article sells
  2. Short summary – The short summary will accompany your article’s title and explain what your work is about in a few sentences. As customers search for articles in any given category, they will see a title and this short summary. If they are interested, they may click on the article to see more specific details about the article and also the long summary

  1. Long summary – The long summary, or preview, should contain at least 1/3 of the article.  This is automatically generated by the system and will by default show 100% of the article.  You can change this setting on the Edit My Account page.  This summary is not indexed by search engines and is embedded within images and only available to approved clients. The idea is to provide customers with an adequate sample of the article to determine whether or not it suits their needs
  2. Content editor – This is where you paste in your article from your writing software. Please go through and remove errant spacing after you have pasted the content in. You can use the editor to provide extra formatting for your document if needed

  1. Keywords – Keywords are important in allowing the system to find your article when customers are searching particular topics. Pick two or three of the most relevant keywords and list them in this box. Don’t overdo it or the system will disregard them
  2. Submit article – Once you’ve filled in the form, click on the “submit article” button to send the article to our editors for review; you can also save a draft of the article if you want to come back to it later

Once you’ve submitted your article, you should see: “Your submission has been completed!”

Once your article and submission form have been sent, it’s then up to the editors to review the article. The articles are run through a plagiarism checking system and then reviewed by the editorial team. The process can take between 2-5 days.  If your article is for a request it will be prioritized by the editors.

Please note that not following these steps might result in your article being rejected.

Titles and short summaries

  • Titles must be properly capitalized, punctuated, and free of errors
  • Please do not include your byline or name in the title
  • Short summaries must be free of first-person point of view and must not contain any information about you (that information should go in your author profile). The short summary should only describe the article being submitted
  • Short summaries must be free of any type of English errors. Please proofread your short summaries for punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and grammar before you submit your article
  • Short summaries must be free of promotional language; please don’t include information about how your article is “original,” or “unique” as our checks will help to determine that
  • Short summaries must be at least 30 words in length and should describe the article in a way that’s useful to a potential customer. It’s the first thing after your title that the customer sees, so make your short summary as appealing and professional as possible

The submission process

Once you’ve submitted your article, we’ll do the following:

  1. Plagiarism – We’ll run your article through a plagiarism checker to ensure that it’s unique (please note that submitting articles that are not unique is a bad idea and could get your account suspended)
  2. Guidelines – Our editors will check your article for suitability; if it doesn’t meet our suitability standards, your article may be “rejected”
  3. English use – Our editors will check your article for grammar, spelling, punctuation, superfluous words and more; if it doesn’t meet our English standards, your article will be sent back for “review”; you can then make changes and resubmit the article
  4. Acceptance – If your article passes our suitability and editing steps, we’ll “accept” your content and send it through to our customer (for requested content) or add it to our online catalog
  5. Speed – Our editing process normally takes 2 – 5 working days, although we do give priority to articles submitted for custom requests

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