Ordering custom content – Managing your requests

Once you have submitted requests, you can manage them all from the “My requestspage.  You can see the status of each request, how many articles are ready, purchase submitted articles, download purchased articles, sort and filter your requests, and more.

Use the “Number of requests per page” option to change how many requests you can see at once and use the “Filter” settings to sort and filter by status, title, expiration date and other criteria. This article covers:

You can check progress on your requests by using the progress bar, which tells you how many articles are ready out of the total. To check progress on other requests, you can use the filter system.


Controlling your requests

Each of your requests appears on its own row and you can view content submitted to it by clicking the “View articles” button.

You can control the status of each request using the links in the far bottom right of each row – View/Edit, Close, Reopen, Delete or Archive.

  • View/Edit lets you update your request and make changes
  • Closing a request stops writers responding to it, but leaves it on your “My requests” page
  • Reopening a request lets writers respond to your request again; it also adds a week to your deadline
  • Deleting a request removes every trace of it
  • Archiving your request puts it into your archived requests, available for you to review at any time. Use this option to keep your “My requests” page uncluttered and easy to use

You can select multiple requests using the checkboxes in the left margin and perform all these actions on multiple requests by clicking the buttons at the top of the table.

Clicking on a writer’s name will let you message them directly.



Tracking Your Requests


There are several filters available to let you view and organize your content. The filters include:

  • Sort by title – A to Z
  • Sort by title – Z to A
  • Sort by expires latest
  • Sort by expires earliest
  • Claimed requests
  • Unclaimed requests
  • Open requests
  • Expired requests
  • Requests with articles
  • Clear filter


Here are some common uses for filters:

  • Unclaimed – How many requests haven’t yet been claimed by a writer
  • Claimed – How many requests have been claimed by a writer
  • Without (w/o)  content – How many requests don’t have any content ready yet
  • With (w) content for sale – How many requests have articles ready to buy

The tracking section also shows your request count which will update depending on the filters you use. This is a good way to see how your requests are progressing, and to manage your requests.

Request ID Numbers

Each custom request gets a unique ID number preceded by an abbreviation which indicates its type. For example, “PR” is used to indicate either a public or private request while “WP” is used for writer pool requests.

When writers submit articles for your request, each article is stamped with your request’s ID, and a new hyperlink appears indicating which request the article is for.


You can also look up specific requests by searching for keywords in request titles.

Progress bar

At the far right of every request is a progress bar. This shows how many pieces of content are ready out of your total order. The text on the button also changes based on the status of each request.

Requests per page

At the bottom of the page, you can choose how many requests to show on each page.



Buying and downloading content

Once a writer has submitted an article for a request, you’ll see a button labelled “View articles.” Click this button to see all of the articles that have been submitted. You will see one of three statuses next to your content request:

  1. View / edit – no article or content has been submitted for the request
  2. View articles – An article is in review, or has already been purchased
  3. View articles (1 New) – Article(s) are for sale

Click the “View” button next to an article to see a preview in a new tab. If you’re not happy with an article, you can get a revision from the writer. If you’re not happy after a round of revisions, you can click “Reject” to remove the article from your request.

If you have multiple requests, you’ll see a button called “View all new articles”. Clicking this will let you see every article available to you in one list.

You can buy and download articles from your “My requestspage. Select as many articles as you’d like using the checkboxes, then click “Add to cart” or “Download purchased” to pay for and download your content.


Using your inbox

You can use your account’s inbox to send and reply to any messages that writers have sent you.

All messages from writers appear under the “Messages”.  System generated notifications will appear under “Notifications.”

Your inbox is the best place to communicate with writers, including any questions a writer might have before working on a request. We’ll send copies of any messages to your email address. You can change how you receive emails on the “Edit account” page.


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