Content fatigue has been a growing problem over the last few years and, in 2021, it has been compounded by COVID fatigue. Consumers are constantly encountering and interacting with new content, especially while in isolation. However, consuming so much content can begin to feel exhausting, and it also leaves content marketers scrambling to grab what little consumer attention is left.

So, how can content marketers get over this hurdle? It may be tempting to publish “Clickbait” content, but that might not drive the type of consumer engagement you are hoping for. Plus, who can really compete with Buzzfeed in this regard? It is better to create a new strategy that captures genuine consumer interest and attention.

Building a Consumer Engagement Strategy

Content marketing remains an effective way to draw consumer traffic and grow your brand, but your strategy needs to be able to adapt. When it comes to COVID marketing and beating content fatigue, there are three main areas to focus on.

1. Aim for Quality Over Quantity

Consumers are bombarded with content left and right, from all sources and in every format. They have more than enough quantity, but the quality of the content is often lacking. To make yourself stand out and to capture the attention of an over-saturated audience, you need to shift the focus over to quality. 

For example, rather than putting out a set number of blog posts, make it a priority to ensure that the posts you do put out contain good information and are well written. You still want to publish new content on a regular basis to keep consumers coming back, but quality is king when combatting content fatigue.

Related Reading: Scaling Content Creation: 11 Tips for Scaling the Quantity and Quality of Your Content

2. Ask Less, Give More

When consumers engage with your content, they are expecting to learn or obtain something. If you ask them to give at the same time, then you are setting them a task. COVID marketing needs to take particular care here, as COVID has made many aspects of life feel like a task. 

When you give, it is important not to demand anything in return. Consumers are seeking content that adds value to their lives, and providing that value will help you make a more meaningful connection, building trust and loyalty. Aim to publish content that educates, informs, and entertains rather than content that pushes a sale.

Providing consumers with valuable content is one of the main rules proposed by marketing guru Gary Vee. Read more in our informative article: Getting Audience Attention: Gary Vaynerchuk Marketing Hacks 2020.

3. Keep Your Content Action-Oriented

A good way to make sure that your content is giving more than you are asking for is to keep it action-oriented. Ask yourself if your posts have a purpose, and think about how you will get that across. In other words, what are you trying to inform the reader about, and what is the best way to go about it?

For example, blog posts that succinctly outline a few simple steps tend to do well because they make the information easy to digest. Engaging content skips the overanalyzing and jumps directly to what it is that needs to happen. As discussed before, consumers who have content fatigue, particularly during these times, will appreciate not having extra work to do.

Providing action-oriented content plays a big role in the overall content experience, which describes how consumers feel about and interact with your content. Learn more about the content experience in our helpful guide: What is a Content Experience (And Why Does It Matter?).

Get the Content You Need for Continued Engagement

Once you have a COVID marketing strategy in place, you need quality content that allows you to start implementing it. Constant Content can connect you with experienced copywriters who create digestible, engaging, and affordable content crafted to increase consumer engagement.

Related Reading: 10 Tips to Find and Hire Amazing Copywriters

Getting over content fatigue is not a one-and-done process, but we can help you get there. With Constant Content, you will be able to start publishing content that gives the consumer exactly what they are looking for.