Getting visitors to your website is only the first part of the battle. In fact, experienced digital marketers don’t put much weight into the number of visitors alone, as it is only the first step in the conversion funnel. After all, a large number of visitors is meaningless if your bounce rate is high and your conversion rate is low.


You’ll need to closely analyze each stage of the conversion process to identify the areas that are holding you back. The following are 5 of the most common reasons for a website to fail to convert.

1 – Your Ads Are Not Relevant


Advertisements are a great way to get traffic to your site. But if your ads don’t align with your website, your bounce rate will skyrocket and you’ll get nothing in return for your investment. While every marketer knows that eye-catching content and an excellent call-to-action are critical components of any advertisement, a seasoned marketer will recognize the importance of targeting a clearly defined audience and consistent messaging.


Targeted advertising aligned with your overall brand will effectively draw in a specific audience and will help avoid paying for clicks that result in bounces.



2 – It Takes Too Long for People to Sign Up


A smooth user experience is a major priority for any business website. Since attention spans and patience levels are minimal among web users, an unnecessarily long signup process can result in lost conversions.


If you’re running an ecommerce store, consider offering an option for your visitors to make purchases as a guest without having to open an account first. If you’re trying to expand your mailing list, ask only for the user’s name and address since no other information should be needed at this stage.



3 – The Site Doesn’t Work Well on Mobile Devices


Mobile has become so ubiquitous in the last few years that simply accommodating mobile users is no longer adequate. You need to prioritize them. After all, consumers often search for local businesses using their smartphones, even if they don’t intend to make a purchase online.


You’ll need to make absolutely sure that your website renders perfectly on the small screen and this means going beyond a simple responsive design. Clear, simple and minimalistic navigation with large, touch-friendly buttons are now a must.


4 – There Is No Guidance


Every business wants to have a unique website featuring a distinct and branded design. However, it’s also important to avoid unnecessarily steep learning curves. Today’s online consumers want to know exactly what to do as soon as they reach your website. Hard-to-find calls-to-action and poor content flow can hinder people from getting through the purchase process.


By building your website’s navigation logically and making use of intuitive icons, your website will not only attract but better convert time-sensitive viewers. If at any point during the conversion funnel people find themselves stuck for even a few seconds, you will need to identify and fix the problem fast to avoid a lot of missed opportunities.



5 – Your Content Is Uninspiring


Uninspiring content, such as generic product descriptions and long-winded specifications littered with technical jargon, do little to inspire engagement. The entirety of your content should be tailored to help consumers make purchase decisions.


You should also ensure that your content is unique and written with your own distinctive brand voice in mind. It may be beneficial to hire an experienced copy writer to ensure your website is distinctive yet informative. In other words, your content should be formulated for human visitors and not for the search engine robots!



Final Words


To understand why your website isn’t converting, you’ll need to identify the point during the conversion funnel where you lost the most visitors. It might be an irrelevant advertisement, an excessively long and complicated sign-up form or disappointingly dry content.


Regardless of where your issue lies, you will need to conduct extensive testing and analysis to fully understand the limitations of your website. The bright side is you’ve already taken the first step to rectifying the situation.


For help with any and all of your content needs, the professional copy writers at Constant Content are there for you!