Rick Wallace Available!

Last Seen: Nov-2023
Rick Wallace

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Writer Biography

Biography of Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.:

Dr. Rick Wallace is a distinguished research psychologist, behavioral specialist, life strategist, published author, accomplished public speaker, and visionary entrepreneur. With a remarkable academic journey and an extensive range of expertise, he has made a profound impact on the fields of psychology, wellness, and business. Dr. Wallace's dedication to holistic well-being and his innovative approach to life philosophy has paved the way for transformative change in countless lives.

Educational Attainment:
Dr. Wallace's academic journey is a tapestry woven with diverse disciplines. Armed with degrees in Theology, Biomechanics & Kinesiology, Psychology, and Textual Criticism, he possesses a unique blend of knowledge that spans the spiritual, physical, psychological, and intellectual realms. This rare amalgamation of education provides him with a multifaceted perspective that informs his work across various domains.

Expertise and Experience:
With an impressive career spanning over 30 years in the Health & Fitness Industry, Dr. Wallace has honed his skills as a true pioneer in his field. As the founder of The Visionetics Institute, he has created an organization that embraces a comprehensive approach to life, addressing emotional, psychological, spiritual, and practical dimensions. Through his dynamic methodology, he empowers individuals to achieve holistic balance and success.

His influential role as the Dean of the Ministry of Health & Wellness at A Ray of Hope Theological Seminary, Bible College & International School of Divinity showcases his commitment to integrating spiritual well-being with overall health. His insights and teachings bridge the gap between the spiritual and the practical, offering a comprehensive roadmap to enriching lives.

Contributions to Literature and Media:
As a published author, Dr. Wallace's written works serve as a testament to his dedication to disseminating knowledge and inspiration. His expertise covers an array of subjects, and he actively contributes to numerous blogs, displaying his diligence as a researcher and thought leader. His compelling writing style engages readers and offers valuable insights across a broad spectrum of topics. In addition to having written thousands of scholarly and prose articles, Dr. Wallace has written and published 26 full-length books.

Entrepreneurial Ventures:
Dr. Wallace's entrepreneurial spirit is evidenced by his involvement in Myriad Business Solutions and Odyssey Media Group. His mastery of online marketing and brand-building has enabled him to assist businesses, ministries, entertainers, and public figures in expanding their digital presence. His proficiency in SEO, content creation, and other digital strategies showcases his versatility and ability to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of online engagement.

Advocacy for Holistic Well-being:
Beyond his business ventures, Dr. Wallace's passion for teaching and empowerment shines through. Through Master Fitness 21, an extension of The Visionetics Institute, he has launched The National Campaign Against Obesity in 2012. This initiative underscores his commitment to addressing real-world challenges as he educates and empowers Americans to combat the epidemic of obesity.

In summary, Dr. Rick Wallace's journey is one of profound dedication, versatility, and visionary leadership. His extensive academic background, combined with his entrepreneurial ventures and advocacy efforts, showcases a man who is not only well-versed in various disciplines but also deeply committed to enhancing lives on multiple levels. Through his teachings, writings, and impactful initiatives, he continues to inspire and empower individuals to achieve holistic balance and success.


United States of America

Areas of Study:

Human Physical Performance And Recreation




  • None:
    • None


Doctoral or Professional Degree

Areas of Expertise:

Arts & Culture
Business ( Marketing, Business Dev. )
Health & Lifestyles ( Weight Loss, Fitness, Nutrition, Disabilities )
Relationships ( Family )
Society ( Religion, Spirituality )

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