Please Write With Care

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Please Write With Care

Post by Ed »

Hi Writers,

I've noticed a trend lately that has gone on a little too long. I have had to reject more articles than I have been able to accept, for one main reason:

Word choice.

Please make sure you are using the correct word according to grammar and syntax rules.

For example:
A pest removal method does not last a long time. However, the *results* of the method may.

The merits of environmental legislation are not argued by several people. *Many* people argue the merits of environmental legislation - like scientists, politicians, and activists.

Religion was not first used in prehistoric times. Religion may have *developed* in prehistoric times, or maybe it has *evolved* since prehistoric times.

The term "fishing" is not when someone captures fish using a pole and a hook. Fishing is the act of someone capturing a fish using a pole and a hook. The term *means* using a pole and a hook to catch fish.

Articles will not be accepted if the author has not carefully chosen his or her words. Incorrect word choice affects the grammatical integrity of your article and decreases its quality.

Please review the following blog posts:

The Right Word for the Job

Hurried Submissions:

Use a Thesaurus (and a Dictionary)

Posts: 175
Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:40 am
Location: India

Post by vjlenin »

Great recommendations, Ed, thanks.