A Reminder about Answering Public Requests

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

A Reminder about Answering Public Requests

Post by Ed »

Please keep this in mind:

Writers unfamiliar with how Constant Content works often waste time by “answering” public requests without actually having any content to offer. When a customer places a public request, he or she expects to be presented with content to choose from. There are plenty of authors who can write for their request - customers already know this. Answering a request by saying, “I can write these articles for you,” is pretty useless, and rarely garners a future sale.

If you are truly interested in catching the attention of a customer or getting a sale through a public request, write a relevant article and link to it through the customer’s Q/A. In the meantime, build up your article portfolio by writing on spec, so that the customer, if he or she is interested, can check out the other work you have for sale.

One reason customers like Constant Content is that they can get their articles immediately. They don’t have to wait with bated breath to see if their chosen author will write content that meets their needs within their deadline - like they may have to through other content sales sites. By providing content, you’ve proven that you can work swiftly to meet a customer’s needs. Even if they don’t pick up your article, they may consider your work for their next project, knowing that you can produce.
