Possible to change categories, or even assign two?

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Possible to change categories, or even assign two?

Post by NicoleJLeBoeuf »

I have a series of articles on dreamwork. I uploaded the first couple some years ago; at that time, the best category I could find for them was "Articles > Self-Improvement > New Age".

Since returning to CC this year, I've just now uploaded a third dreamwork article. After doing so, I discovered that CC has added a new category in the meantime: "Articles > Health > Dreams and Nightmares".

I'm kind of torn. My ideal category would be "Articles > New Age > Dreams", but it's probably not reasonable for me to request that kind of overhaul! So if I had to choose one, I think "Dreams & Nightmares" is the better fit. But if I start submitting under the other category, that would split the series over two categories, making it harder for customers to locate them all.

I would *love* to list my dreamwork articles under *both* categories, if I could. I know that's not possible now. Will we be allowed to do this at some future time? Perhaps the submission form might one day say, "pick up to 3 categories" or similar?

Whether that becomes possible or not, I'd still need some sort of mechanism for changing the category assignment of existing articles. There's no interface for it under "Edit"--I understand that; appropriateness of category gets approved during when the Editor reviews the submission; I expect any changes of category would have to be editorially approved as well. If I want my dreamwork articles moved to the "Dreams & Nightmares" category, should I email Support? Or is it simply impossible to change, and is my article series simply stuck forever with the categories that were available when I submitted the first couple in 2005?
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Re: Possible to change categories, or even assign two?

Post by Ed »

The category system is soon to be overhauled. Please don't worry too much about category. Most customers find articles through search. Our future system will be less unwieldy.

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Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:26 am
Location: Boulder, Colorado, USA

Re: Possible to change categories, or even assign two?

Post by NicoleJLeBoeuf »

Excellent. For now I'll keep uploading to the Self-Improvement > New Age category, then, and keep watching for the category overhaul. Thank you!
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Re: Possible to change categories, or even assign two?

Post by Constant »

Our goal is to pare the whole category situation, way down. It is too large and and more general set of places to place articles would help customers searching for particular topics, and prevent agonizing over making sure that one's articles are placed in the most specific category as possible.