"Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

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"Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by canywriter »

Ed, this is for the Top Ten Lists public request - when I was about to submit the article, I found "will be back tomorrow" instead of the request. On going back to the request, I find the client is specifically asking authors not to post till he returns. But there is review time. The request is still there under submit article when you click public request, but says "will be back tomorrow". Should I submit now or wait?
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Zabrina »

Same question. :)
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Debbi »

I sure hope this client is ready for the deluge of Top 10 articles. She/he bought my Five Vintage Cartoons (hooray!) and now I am brimming with ideas.

Sometimes I see such interesting titles in the Recently Sold list and wish I coud read them, but most are sold for fullrights and unavailable.

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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by canywriter »

That was yours! Congrats, Debbie! Quite a few interesting tens I saw - but as always, I seem to be just that bit late. Oh, well, let's hope...
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Debbi »


Yes, I keep refreshing the Requested Content page to see if it has opened up again. I reviewed the article I wrote last night and fixed a few problems and I am revving my engine, waiting to hit the Submit Article button! :lol: Guess I should work on something else to try and distract myself.

I think it says the client wants 10. I think I saw 3 sles? so hopefully there will be room for all of us who want a chance.

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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Zabrina »

I wish I could read many of the sold articles, too! They're always so interesting. :) I sold one that I wrote off the top of my head at 3 AM... the one about songs to play after dumping a cheater. :lol: Getting paid for cathartic writing is the best. :D
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Debbi »


I agree. Writing that list brought so many memories back to me. We didn't have Cartoon Network back in ye olden days. We only got to see cartoons on Saturday mornings and then only until noon. Great incentive to get the kids up early on a weekend and let the grownups sleep in for once.

Wish I knew which songs you listed. If you gave some titles here, would that violate your full rights sale?

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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Lysis »

> he one about songs to play after dumping a cheater

haha! Yeah, I wanted to read that one too!
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Antonia »

I sold one too! Mine was the first date turn-offs. It took me about 15 minutes to write, and I have tons more ideas, so I hope the buyer comes back "tomorrow"....hmmm.....

I really wanted to read the other ones too--whoever finds out where they are being posted, let us all know! :)
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Debbi »

The client is back! Let the flood gates open :lol:

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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by canywriter »

Yes, there is room for everybody, that's the beauty of CC - and even if this customer doesn't pick it up, someone else comes along and buys it!
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Debbi »


I found the site where our top ten lists were published. Here is the one you wrote I think:

http://www.connectingsingles.com/top-10 ... heater.htm

Antonia, didn't you do the one about job interviews? I saw that one there too.

http://www.connectingsingles.com/top-10 ... rviews.htm

And all mine: toast, pigs, cartoons, and chicken dishes. I konw there were more of us who sold articles to that client. Evreyone who sold a top ten list can find thirs at that site. It's interesting to see where our articles go!

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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Antonia »

Thanks for sharing that link, Debbi. It's been fun reading everyone's articles.
This is one of mine too--http://www.connectingsingles.com/top-10 ... family.htm but the funny thing is, the customer purchased it long before he posted the public request. Which just reinforces the idea that using the Recently Sold list as a brainstorm tool really can be a successful sales strategy--not just for topic ideas but for ways to structure articles. Who knows how many other buyers are lurking around, running searches for "Best of," "Ways not to," "Myths about"....and other popular formats? (Well, now with the shiny new "recently searched" tool, we do!)
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Hammia »

There is a shiny new Recently Searched tool? I think I've lost mine. I don't see it on the navigation panel... Would you tell me where to look for it please?
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Re: "Will be back tomorrow" - can I submit for this now?

Post by Nessiee »

If you go to the list of recently sold articles, there is a tab near the top that shows the latest searches :)