Change in Offer

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Change in Offer

Post by kay1122 »

I don't have a problem accepting offers on my work because I'm always afraid of charging too much. But anyways, about a week ago, I got a full-rights offer on a piece I wrote for $20. I felt that was fair even though it was well below what I put and I'm always a little nostalgic about letting go completely of work that I worked so hard on. However, the bidder never downloaded it. Now today I got an email that I had another offer on the same piece, so I went to see if it was a better or similar offer because I might change my mind since the first offer hadn't completed. Well, turns out it is the same customer. They are still asking for full rights, but now only want to pay $7!! I don't think so on that one. So I guess my question is, is this common or does this not happen often? I left the first offer accepted but rejected the new one. I wouldn't mind letting it go on the lowest level for $7 so I still had a chance to make more, but not full rights. Am I wrong in my thinking on this one?
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Re: Change in Offer

Post by MelissaNott »

I don't think you're wrong. I'd hang onto it.
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Re: Change in Offer

Post by Antonia »

I've never had someone offer less than their first offer. Early in my CC days, I listed an article for oh I think $90 - someone offered me $50 - I was really tempted because I hadn't sold much yet, but I knew that their offer simply wouldn't justify the effort on my end. So I refused it, and a few weeks later they were back offering $75. I accepted because that WAS a fair price, even though it was a little lower, and I felt great about sticking to my guns and not playing the "What if nobody else ever wants it?" game.

I don't know how long your article is, but $7 would be the price I'd charge for a 70-100 word article - I doubt yours is that short! Hang onto it. Someone else will buy it eventually.
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Re: Change in Offer

Post by jadedragon »

Could be the sleazy guy that was bragging about offering with one account than offering with another account. Don't devalue your work. It will sell.