Important on citation, etc.

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Important on citation, etc.

Post by Hannah047 »

I apologize about re-posting this, but I added it as a comment on an old post. I want to be sure I receive an answer, if possible.

Hi, I am stressing over the citation issue. I realize that I must use (leaving out the www) in the content of the article, but do all the articles include a separate page for a bibliography?

I am so concerned about citation that I just want to get it right the first time.

People don't have an encyclopedia in their brain on every subject matter. Yet, using a bibliography makes it seem more like a college paper.

I am a bit confused! Of course, plagiarism is absolutely wrong, but can't I just make sure the source(s) are evident in the content of the article?

And, if I use a graphic such as a photo or image, is it OK to copy/paste something found online that is totally appropriate for the article?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Important on citation, etc.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

First, no, it's not okay to copy and paste something, whether photo or text, found online. Don't do it! Photos and images are copyrighted. Even if you have permission to use a photo, most CC articles do not include photos and most customers do not expect them, so don't even worry about that.

As far as citations go, I rarely list sources at the end. Instead, I cite in line such as, "According to, over 70% of . . ." This adds credibility while also citing the source without being overly academic. I feel it's a good approach for general Web articles. I also tend to paraphrase whatever said rather than copying and pasting big chunks of text.
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Re: Important on citation, etc.

Post by Evelyn »

I'd add this to Celeste's answer:

Use inline citations only if it's a fact or you're referring to someone's authoritative recommendation.

Cite when the source adds credibility--from an authority, a government or education website, scientific papers, etc. Don't cite commercial sites because they're probably competition for your buyer.

Always cite the original source. In other words, don't say "According to, the NIH reported that toe fungus is an increasing problem." Go directly to the NIH and cite that research.

I do inline citations AND citations at the end so buyers can create link juice if they want it. Not everyone wants outbound links, but if they do it's nice to have the direct address available. For full rights articles, the buyer can throw away or change anything they want, so including references at the end is a help to them.

Citations depend on subject matter. I believe that good references allow you to charge more for your writing--if the references are truly authoritative. On the other hand, lots of folks are looking to buy less expensive, keyword rich articles and don't care about authorities.
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Re: Important on citation, etc.

Post by Hannah047 »

Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply. It is much appreciated.
I cannot believe how long it is taking me to write an article, due to the fear of being rejected for something like a citation.
I always thought I was a decent writer. All of a sudden, now that I am here, my confidence level is not that great!
Take care, and again thank you.
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Re: Important on citation, etc.

Post by webscribe »

Hi Hannah,

Once you've done a few articles, you'll probably feel a lot more confident about submitting. It isn't too difficult to get the hang of the submission guidelines here, and you'll find that these forums are very helpful. Try not to stress too much, and best of luck with your first submission :) .
Posts: 83
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Re: Important on citation, etc.

Post by Hannah047 »

Thanks a million! I won't give up...
Posts: 78
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:30 pm

Re: Important on citation, etc.

Post by MelissaNott »

Hi Hannah,
I was quite paranoid about citations myself when I first started. You are not alone! The advice you receive on these forums is priceless. Good luck to you!