Illustration section is updated for eps, pdf and vector type formats. You are required to provide a jpg, gif, bmp snap if you are uploading a vector format.
Solaris, can you tell me what a vector format is. I have jpg as one of my selections in my scanner, but I don't see vector mentioned anywhere and I don't know what it is. Can you please tell me so I can start submitting illustrations. I have an HP scanner, if that helps you.
I have Pastel Illustrations which I photographed unto my desktop and saved as jpeg files. After realizing I needed an EPS file to follow submission guidelines, I found three programs that are free and that help you to convert files to EPS files and view them (if you don't have a Graphics Illustrator Software Program).
First free program is Inkscape. It converts files to EPS files. If you google it, you can find the free download page.
Second program needed is GSView, (to view your EPS files) which is similar to Ghostview. With this program you can view your converted EPS file to verify it's accuracy. Third program you will also need to download/install is Ghostscript 8.63 or higher before GSView will work. Be sure you pick the download that is compatible with your operating system (ex., Windows, Linux, OS/2, etc.).
I also found VectorMagic while doing an online search. They give you 2 free tokens to convert your files to EPS files (after the 2 tokens are used, they charge you). After uploading your image unto their website, you answer a few simple questions, and your image is converted to an EPS file. You can then download it unto your computer. [Remember, you will need GSView (free software) or a Graphics Illustrator software program like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop (which are not free), etc. before you can view it.]