Help with Long Summaries

Area for content rejection questions.

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Help with Long Summaries

Post by DiGi »

This is the message I recieved:

==== Rejection Information for Your Article: ====
Please abide by our formatting guidelines.
Long summaries that are not formatted properly are not easily readable.
==== End Rejection Information for Your Article ====

I actually did read the writers guidelines carefully, so I am going to describe what I did and hopefully someone can correct me.

"A long summary is required. If you do not copy and paste a portion of your article into the long summary box, your work will be automatically rejected. The long summary should be about 1/3-2/3 of the article. Long summaries should be formatted according the formatting requirements below."

Question 1. So from my article I directly copied the first 3 paragraphs out of a total of 8 paragraphs onto the long summary box. This is clearly about one third, but I am getting the impression from reading other posts from this forum that the long summary should not be exactly just 1/3 of my article, but I should put together portions of my article so that the sum be about 1/3???
Does this mean copy and paste bits here and there of the whole article ??

Question 2. I did not realize that for articles it was required to double space between paragraphs, and when I submitted my actual .rtf article it is not double spaced between paragraphs. The only thing is that between each paragraph there is a bolded heading that kind of separates them. Since I did not get called upon for this in my rejection email, what do you guys recommend I do? Should I change it and double space it or keep it as is?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: Help with Long Summaries

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Hello DiGi,

With regards to the long summaries, you can put the required 1/3 of your content, or you can paste the whole article there as well, the choice is yours. Some will put the whole article there, others will put 1/2, and others will break up the content into excerpts, and may use ellipses to indicate that this blurb is just a blurb...

I don't know how your long summary ended up, appearance wise, after you pasted it into the box, however, CC's formatting will sometimes do funky things to the text when it's pasted. My personal suggestion would be to double space between a paragraph, and the Section Heading, and then double space between that heading and its subsequent paragraph.

That was probably as clear as mud, but I hope it was even slightly helpful!

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Re: Help with Long Summaries

Post by DiGi »

Thanks! I just needed someone to confirm my thinking. Thank you so much. I just don't want to submit and then get rejected again.
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Re: Help with Long Summaries

Post by DSWaltenburg »

You're quite welcome. You just have to always go thru after you paste it there, and check, and "reformat" it within that particular block.

Good luck with your writing!