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Quality control

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 8:04 pm
by Cyndy Hardy
I've mentions that I like that our articles are edited for quality. It lends credibility to all of us and ensures a level of quality for our buyers.

What kind of quality approval process, if any, do requests for content go through that ensures we get quality leads?

*points in the general direction of '26 articles written on broad ... '* I know I don't have to write for the guy, but how many writers will waste time doing spec work because he didn't clearly state his needs?

Sometimes it seems like GAF buyers are stalking me. Did I say that out loud?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:48 pm
by Ed
We take requests as we get them. We solicit a variety of potential customers, and each one has different needs.
