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Add a line in the "view submitted content" area

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:41 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I was wondering if it would be possible to add a line in the area where we go to edit submitted content that shows whether or not we submitted the article for a request. For example, I submitted an article for a request today and the customer asked me to add a few lines. No problem. I pulled the original and submitted the revised, clicking the "for a request" checkbox etc. However, since the for a request checkbox tends to revert to blank after a few steps (another bug I hope you can fix) I kept second-guessing myself. Did I mark it or not? The customer wants to buy, so the sooner it gets approved the better and it would be a bummer if it didn't get flagged or if I forgot to flag it the second time after the initial flagging got dropped. I can't confirm one way or the other because when you go into the Edit Content section, it doesn't have an indicator of how it was submitted. I'd love to be able to see a line that says "submitted to Private/Public request" along with the request it was submitted to.
