Illustration suggestion

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Illustration suggestion

Post by edoran »

I'm new here so I'm not the most informed, but I wanted to offer a suggestion for the illustration section. From what I understand it's relatively new, but there was one thing I've noticed that I thought you might like to address. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but I can drag the low res. preview image to my desktop (I assume they can be right-clicked also?). While I understand these are lower resolution for that reason, I've noticed that some of the images are crisp enough that people might try to abscond with them, particularly if they intend to use them as smaller graphics. I know there's a way to disable this function as sites like deviantart have managed to. Or perhaps there could be embedded watermarks? I know those can be edited out by crafty kids with photoshop, but that's probably a better deterrent than nothing.

Forgive me if this has already been brought to your attention, but I couldn't find any post mentioning it in searches.