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Requested Article Prices

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:56 am
by sidneymoore
Is it possible that a client will purchase articles above the request price? Also, is the request price typically for usage or full rights?

Re: Requested Article Prices

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:34 pm
by Lysis
No, that wouldn't be very smart for someone to do. :D

Request price is typically full rights. I don't know if I've ever seen a person put in a request for usage.

Re: Requested Article Prices

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:45 pm
by Isabelnewth
You mean: is there any point in submitting an article to a public request with a higher price than the price on the request? I don't know! I have wondered sometimes if it would be worthwhile, but I doubt it. I wonder if anyone has any experience of this? The prices for public requests are usually miserable and it certainly puts me off submitting to them :(

Re: Requested Article Prices

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:11 am
by Lysis
ooops, maybe I misunderstood.

If that's the case, yes, I've seen people do it and it works out sometimes. I can't remember if I've ever done it. In the public pools, I kinda think it's useless unless you are an expert in the subject and can talk about things that no one else can. Then, I'd probably give it a shot.

Had someone tell me to open up offers on my articles last week. I told him that I probably wouldn't budge on anything written within the year, but if he wants to go ahead and tell me which ones he's looking at, I'll look it over. Never heard from him. I've just recently realized that it's better to set your price and stick with it unless you want to dump some older articles and you're willing to negotiate.

If you're an expert in the field, figure out what you're worth and set your price.

Re: Requested Article Prices

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 12:54 am
by GailF
I think it's doable. I've just sold one in the public requests for 5$ higher than the asking price. I wanted to keep my $/word count at a reasonable place and the person bought it. Granted, 5$ isn't very much more but I don't think it can hurt to put the price where you want it, within reason.

Re: Requested Article Prices

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:43 am
by Pellucidean
If it's a public request that would have a good chance of selling even once it goes to the general pool, I'll offer a hirer price if what's being asked for is too low. If they don't bite then no harm done, there's a decent chance it will sell someday anyway.

Re: Requested Article Prices

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:18 am
by GailF
Yes, this exactly. It seems like most people say most of their catalog sell eventually so it can't really hurt. Seems like a lot of the current requests are priced a little low for word count anyway and I'm not sure it would even be worth trying. 16$ for 500 words? Can't see that one budging much to pay the 50$ I'd prefer! :wink: