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Customer Makes a 'New' request for lower word-count, less $

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:48 pm
by strandedcandid

Just wondering, I just sent a question about this to support, via the home page, but thought I would ask about this in the forms to see if I can get a quicker response. Hope that's okay...

There was a public request for a specific topic, the word-count required was listed as 1200, and the deadline was supposed to be January 10th.

I submitted such an article on the evening of January 9th and priced it in the typical range for 1200-word articles. However, I was given a message that 'the deadline has passed/request removed', even though I was a day early. I assumed there may be a glitch, so I tried to submit my article anyway.

Next thing you know, my article is uploaded by the site, only now it has been automatically associated by constant-content with a public request, for the exact same topic, but a lower word-count (800-1000) and lesser pay.

I worked really, really hard on my original article, met the original word-count of 1200, met the stated deadline and was very much looking forward to the possibility of earning more cash...and besides all this, a new deadline has been set for the 'new' request, for January 24th. This also says to me that my competition has suddenly jumped back up, all over again.

Is this some kind of really weird glitch? What happens, for example, if I write a 1200-word article like this, and set the percentage of it that a customer can see at 33%. However, then the same customer removes that request and submits a new request at a lower word-count (800), for the same topic, but has now had a chance to see 400 words that I have already written? It was really hard to figure out how to organize all the information they originally wanted an author to include, etc...

Whats the deal?
