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The review

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:10 am
by MaryAnneNagy
Could someone please tell me how long the review of the first submitted article takes? I have posted an article, which is not for a public request, and I have been waiting for a response since Tuesday . I would like to know, how much longer I have to wait.
Thanks! :D

Re: The review

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:25 am
by jadedragon
Sure - it all depends. There is one Ed the Editor. He works long hours and all hours but sometimes he must eat and sleep. Private requests and public requests get top priority because there is a buyer waiting for them and especially private requests generally sell though. Lots of good public requests mean lots of articles to review. Spec articles get reviewed next, and newby articles may be even slower because of the high rejection rate on first submissions. It takes time to understand the CC nuances so don't be discouraged by a technical error rejection. Don't submit any more until you get your first article reviewed. In the meantime look at the FAQs, forums and other resources. If you find you made an error you can retract the article and resubmit. Good luck

Re: The review

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:06 pm
by ecdoran
Was there a time when there were two or more editors? I feel like someone mentioned that there is only one editor now. I know the amount of articles needing to be reviewed fluctuates and there may not be a constant demand, but it seems the current editor is consistently swamped. I feel like there are slave labour law violations somewhere :)

Re: The review

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:11 am
by Gabriella
Hi guys

I'm new here. I sumbitted an article yersterday and another one today. Do I receive an e-mail after they are approved? Or do I have to check on CC to see? And someting much time it takes for an article to be reviewed? I have many ideas for articles but I would like to see first if the site admin approves my first two articles

Re: The review

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:32 pm
by ecdoran
You'll get an email whether the article is rejected or not. I get the outside emails just as fast as I get internal emails (acceptance/rejection goes to both accounts), but I think some people said they had a delay and got the internal emails faster.

Review times vary from a few hours to a week or more. If the article isn't for a request, it will take longer to be approved. When you submit an article it goes into a queue to await its judgement :) If the article is for a private request, it gets top priority because it's a guaranteed sale more or less. If the article is for a public request, it gets second preference because there is a guaranteed market but whether or not your specific article is chosen is less certain. If it's a -- I don't know what it's called -- non-request (?) article, then it gets bottom of the stack, although non-request articles are still reviewed according to which one has been there longer.

Does that make sense? That's how I have come to understand the process. I'm sure someone who has been here longer could explain it better!

As an unrelated side not, I think "queue" is a bizarre spelling. Just saying.

Re: The review

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:37 pm
by jadedragon
Gabriella wrote:Hi guys

I'm new here. I sumbitted an article yersterday and another one today. Do I receive an e-mail after they are approved? Or do I have to check on CC to see? And someting much time it takes for an article to be reviewed? I have many ideas for articles but I would like to see first if the site admin approves my first two articles
Good idea to wait until you get an approval. In fact the system will block you from submitting more then 3 until you get an approval.

Re: The review

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:09 pm
by Gabriella
Thank you! I can hardly wait :)

Re: The review

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:26 pm
by HayleyWriter
Patience is a virtue around here, especially when you are starting out. Meanwhile, why not write some of those other articles. You can spend more time polishing them to meet the standards while you wait for the first two to be approved. The more polished your articles, the more likely they are to get approved. :wink:

Wishing you luck,


Re: The review

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:38 am
by yashuasgirl
HayleyWriter wrote:Patience is a virtue around here, especially when you are starting out. Meanwhile, why not write some of those other articles. You can spend more time polishing them to meet the standards while you wait for the first two to be approved. The more polished your articles, the more likely they are to get approved. :wink:

Wishing you luck,

I have just resubmitted an article for a public request,"Why You Should Stop Smoking". I have to say that writing for CC is not so easy. I am however, learning a lot from the rejection. Ed is brief in his critique but bless his heart at least he tells you what type of problems your article has. It's up to you to find and correct the error and thats the fun part. On my last article I could not for the life of me find some of the errors he pointed out so I just basically took Ed's guidelines and nearly rewrote the entire piece. My article is as polished as I know how to make it and lately I have been thinking about finding a course on grammar to see if I can get better at this. I see so many write that they have submitted their articles on like their second or third day on the site and they get approved right away. This makes me wonder if I have what it takes, since I typically spend huge amounts of time writing and I got a rejection both times. I don't know what it is but I just couldn't leave it alone and I had to tear the article apart and try to fix all the errors. Is this normal? Are the majority of CC writers professionals who don't need to re work their articles every time? I'm just wondering how patient Ed is, will I get tossed if I don't learn how to get the articles right the first time, any time soon? Patience is a virtue everywhere but especially in the writing world. May we all learn quickly.

Re: The review

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:34 pm
by CRDonovan
Hi yashuasgirl. You have a really good attitude about going back and reworking pieces to improve them. Your idea about reviewing a basic grammar text is a good one too - most of us can stand to brush up on the rules of language. I constantly consult a dictionary for proper usage and I keep various writers' manuals around. I spend hours researching, writing, and editing. Other writers here can apparently write articles a lot more quickly. You have to find the method that works for you and pays you reasonably for your time. Small note, from your post: Watch out for run-on sentences. That might be something that is tripping you up in your work. Good luck.

Re: The review

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:45 pm
by Goalsethigh
I think being an avid reader helps quite a bit. You are constantly digesting professionally written material. Just a thought.

Re: The review

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:42 pm
by Antonia
If two newbies head to the ski slopes, one of them may be a natural and the other may need a lesson or two....but having learned the basics, both will have just as much fun and both have the potential to reach mastery. Another way to look at it is, will you ever look back and regret having spent time improving your writing skills? Probably not! Everyone's learning curve is different, so stick with it and your editing process will become far more streamlined.

As far as improving grammar, I suggest working on one specific area at a time. For example, C.R. mentioned run-ons. You could read up and do some drills at Concentrate on spotting run-ons next time you proofread. After a few articles you'll have internalized the rules and it'll be second nature to proof for run-ons. Then you can focus on some other area.

Hope this helps...and if you need another pair of eyes on an article, feel free to send it to me through the Contact Author system.

Re: The review

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:48 pm
by J. A. Young
I second reading as a form of grammar education! Read a couple great novels. You will be entertained while your brain gets an ear for sentence structure. You can always write reviews of the books too :) I'd also stick to basic sentence structures you are sure of and build from there.

Re: The review

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:44 pm
by yashuasgirl
C.R. Donovan wrote:Hi yashuasgirl. You have a really good attitude about going back and reworking pieces to improve them. Your idea about reviewing a basic grammar text is a good one too - most of us can stand to brush up on the rules of language. I constantly consult a dictionary for proper usage and I keep various writers' manuals around. I spend hours researching, writing, and editing. Other writers here can apparently write articles a lot more quickly. You have to find the method that works for you and pays you reasonably for your time. Small note, from your post: Watch out for run-on sentences. That might be something that is tripping you up in your work. Good luck.
I really appreciate your response to my post. I had no idea that I have a problem with run on sentences. Truthfully I didn't know what a run on sentence was. I looked it up and found a good power point presentation about it. I think I will have to review it a number of times though to remember it. I just wanted to say thank you for pointing this out to me. I will work on it. :D